UpStage Players Children's Broadway Musical Productions Cleveland, Ohio
UpStage Players Children's Broadway Musical Productions Cleveland, Ohio
Your time means so much to us!
Ways to Volunteer:
Are you handy with hammers and tools? Then help us build the set!
Do you have creative flair? Then help create costumes. Sewing experience is helpful, but not necessary!
Are you good at organizing events and fundraisers? Put your talents to work for the kids by helping us with bake sales, events and all kinds of fun stuff!
There are so many ways to help at UpStage Players, and we are thankful for each and every one of our volunteers. Here are a few of our volunteer needs:
Bake Sale Organizer
Costume Committee
Parent Helper at Practices
Ushers, Concessions
And many more...
Your donations make a huge difference!
At UpStage Players, we make every dollar count. We are resourceful with our donations and we turn scraps into masterpieces.
For example, we'll take a pile of discarded fabric and transform it into a really cool costume. Leftover building materials will become colorful scenery on the set of our annual production.
We do this because:~We are an all-volunteer organization. ~We do not require a participation fee.
We are committed to our principles of not turning any child away because of family financial situations. For these reasons, we make every dollar count!
Every dollar donated to UpStage Players is used wisely, with purpose and thankfulness.
Thank you for your continuous support of UpStage Players, where every part -- from lead role to behind-the-scenes – is nurtured, valued and vital to the success of the production.